Folding Schemes

$$ \gdef\delim#1#2#3{\mathopen{}\mathclose{\left#1 #2 \right#3}} \gdef\p#1{\delim({#1})} \gdef\vec#1{\mathbf{#1}} \gdef\mat#1{\mathrm{#1}} \gdef\set#1{\mathcal{#1}} \gdef\F{\mathbb{F}} \gdef\G{\mathbb{G}} \gdef\R{\mathrm{R}} \gdef\P{\mathsf{cm}} \gdef\H{\mathsf{H}} \gdef\Z{\mathrm{Z}} \gdef\bigop#1#2{\mathop{\Large #1}\limits_{#2}} \gdef\zkp#1#2#3{\p{ \begin{array}{c}#1\\\hline#2\end{array} \middle\vert \begin{aligned}#3\end{aligned}}} $$


Given a cycle of curves $\G_1, \G_2$ with scalar fields $\F_1, \F_2$ (and thus base fields $\F_2, \F_1$). Construct the pairs (with element-wise operations) $\G = \G_1 × \G_2$, $\R = \F_1 × \F_2$. Note that $\R$ degrades to a ring, $\G_i$ is a vector space over $\F_i$ and $\G$ is and $\R$-module.

Construct family of cryptographic hashes $\H_X: Y → X$. Where elements of the inputs set (defined implicitly) map to pseudo-random elements in the target set $X$. We will use the shorthand $\H_1$ and $\H_1$ for $\H_{\F_1}$ and $\H_{\F_2}$ respectively.

Construct a Pedersen commitment $\P: \R^n → \G$ by fixing a random vector in $\vec g ∈ \p{\G_{\setminus \{0\}}}^n$ and taking the linear combination: $\P(\vec x) = \sum_i x_i ⋅ g_i$. Factor $\P$ into two commitments $\P_1: \F_1 → \G_1$ and $\P_1: \F_2 → \G_2$.

Relaxed R1CS

Given a computable partial function $f: \R^u × \R^v → \R^v$ on a ring $\R$.

$$ \vec v = f(\vec u_n, … f(\vec u_1, f(\vec u_0, \vec v_0)))…) $$

Given a computable function $f: \R^u → \R^v$ on a ring $\R$. We arithmatize the function to $\mat A, \mat B, \mat C ∈ \R^{m×n}$ such that

$$ f(\vec u) = \vec v \quad ⇔ \quad \bigop{∃}{\begin{subarray}{l} \vec w ∈ \R^t \\ \end{subarray}} \left\{\begin{aligned} \vec z &= \begin{bmatrix}1 & \vec u & \vec v & \vec w\end{bmatrix}\\ \mat C ⋅ \vec z &= \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z} ⊙ \p{\mat B ⋅ \vec z}\\ \end{aligned}\right. $$

For convenience we will write $\vec x = [\vec u\ \vec v]$. An instance is a tuple $(e, w, s, \vec x)∈\G×\G×\R×\R^{u+v}$ such that there exists a $\vec w ∈ \R^n, \vec e ∈ \R^m$ that satisfy

$$ \begin{aligned} e &= \P(\vec e) & \vec z &= \begin{bmatrix}s & \vec x & \vec w \end{bmatrix}\\ w &= \P(\vec w) & \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z} ⊙ \p{\mat B ⋅ \vec z} &= s ⋅ \mat C ⋅ \vec z + \vec e\\ \end{aligned} $$

Relaxed R1CS instances form an $\R$-module. The zero instance is $(0, 0, 0, \vec 0)$. The scalar product of $(e, w, s, \vec x)$ and $r ∈ \R$ is $(r²⋅e, r⋅w, r⋅s, r⋅\vec x)$. The sum of $(e_1, w_1, s_1, \vec x_1)$ and $(e_2, w_2, s_2, \vec x_2)$ is $(e_1 + e_2 + \P(\vec d), w_1 + w_2, s_1 + s_2, \vec x_1 + \vec x_2)$ where

$$ \vec d = \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z_1} ⊙ \p{\mat B ⋅ \vec z_2} + \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z_2} ⊙ \p{\mat B ⋅ \vec z_1} - \mat C ⋅ \p{s_1 ⋅ \vec z_2 + s_2 ⋅\vec z_1} $$

Instances of the form $(0, w, 1, \vec x)$ correspond directly to regular R1CS instances.

To update prover state:

$$ \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z, \mat B ⋅ \vec z, \mat C ⋅ \vec z, s, s⋅\mat C ⋅ \vec z - \p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z} ⊙ \p{\mat B ⋅ \vec z}} $$

$$ \p{r⋅\vec a, r⋅\vec b, r⋅\vec c, r⋅s, r²⋅\vec e} $$

$$ \p{\vec a_1 + \vec a_2, \vec b_1 + \vec b_2, \vec c_1 + \vec c_2, \vec e_1 + \vec e_2 + \vec d} $$

$$ \vec d = \vec a_1 ⊙ \vec b_2 + \vec a_2 ⊙ \vec b_1 - s_1 ⋅ \vec c_2 - s_2 ⋅\vec c_1 $$

The important thing is that linear combinations can be computed element-wise.

We can also compute $\vec e$ by recovering it from the added instance as $\vec e = \vec a ⊙ \vec b - s ⋅ \vec c$. This may be more efficient?

Note. An instance can be generated for any $\vec x$ by solving for $\vec e$. Only when $s ≠ 0$ and $\vec e = \vec 0$ does the instance proof a $f(\vec u) = \vec v$ claim. So we are interested in the subspace spanned by those instances.

Note. For every R1CS $(A, B, C)$ we can construct an R1CS $(A', A', C')$ with at most twice the constraints. The verification relation then becomes $\p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z}^{⊙2} = s⋅\mat C ⋅ \vec z + \vec e$. If we add two instances we get

$$ \vec d = 2⋅\p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z_1}⊙\p{\mat A ⋅ \vec z_2}

the main advantage is one fewer state vector to carry around. $\vec e = \vec a^{⊙2} - s ⋅ \vec c$.

Customizable Constraint System (HyperNova)

$$ \sum_{\set T ∈ \set S}\ \bigodot_{M ∈ \set T}\ \mat M ⋅ \vec w = \vec 0 $$


Generic constraints, test for $f(\vec w) = \vec 0$ for polynomial $f$. R1CS translates as

$$ f_i(\vec w) = (\mat A ⋅ \vec w)_i ⋅ (\mat B ⋅ \vec w)_i - (\mat C ⋅ \vec w)_i $$

Instance $(w; \vec w)$ satisfies iff $w = \P(\vec w)$ and $f(\vec w) = \vec 0$.

Given two instances interpolate

$$ ω(X) = X⋅\vec w_1 + (1 - X)⋅ \vec w_2 $$

from the initial instances we have $f(ω(0)) = ω_0$ and $f(ω(1)) = ω_1$.

$$ f(ω(X)) = X⋅ ω_1 + (1 - X) ⋅ ω_2 + \mathrm{Z}_{{0,1}}(X)⋅ q(X) $$

where $\mathrm{Z}_{{0,1}}(X) = X^2-X$ is the polynomial that is zero on $\{0,1\}$.

Evaluate in random $r$ and have a error term $\vec e = f(ω(r)) = q(r)$.

New instance $(w; \vec e, \vec w)$ st. $w = \P(\vec w)$ and $f(\vec w) = \vec e$. Interpolate

$$ \begin{aligned} ε(X) &= X⋅\vec e_1 + (1 - X) ⋅ \vec e_2 \\ ω(X) &= X⋅\vec w_1 + (1 - X) ⋅ \vec w_2 \end{aligned} $$

New equation is

$$ f(ω(X)) = X ⋅ \vec e_1 + (1 - X) ⋅ \vec e_2 + \mathrm{Z}_{{0,1}}(X)⋅ \vec q(X) $$

new instance is $(\vec q(r), ω(r))$

Generalizing this, we can pick a set of basis points $\mathcal A ⊆ \R$ and interpolate.

$$ \begin{aligned} ε(X) &= \sum_{i∈[0,n)} \Z_{\mathcal A\setminus\{a_i\}}(X) ⋅\vec e_i \\ ω(X) &= \sum_{i∈[0,n)} \Z_{\mathcal A\setminus\{a_i\}}(X) ⋅\vec w_i \end{aligned} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} f(ω(X)) = ε(X) + \Z_{\mathcal A}(X) ⋅ \vec q(X) \end{aligned} $$


At each step the circuit produces commitments to the witness and the cross term.

$$ \begin{aligned} w &= \P(\vec w) & d &= \P(\vec d) \end{aligned} $$


$$ \zkp{x_0,x_1}{i}{ asd \\ asd \\ asdas } $$

SuperNova generalizes this to allow multiple functions $f_i$ where the previous function selects the applicable next step.



Remco Bloemen
Math & Engineering