Realtime stepper motor control

Abstract. Ideal stepper motor control requires generating step and direction signals for jerk-limited trajectories. For embedded realtime systems an efficient method is required to generate such signals.

Admissible trajectories

A motor trajectory is a position over time x(t). For simplicity assume time t is in seconds and position x is in steps. Of relevance are its first three derivatives, velocity v(t), acceleration a(t) and jerk j(t):

\begin{aligned} v(t) &= \frac{\d}{\d t} x(t) & a(t) &= \frac{\d}{\d t} v(t) & j(t) &= \frac{\d}{\d t} a(t) & \end{aligned}

The jerk function can have discontinuous jumps, so the position function is of differentiability class C^2.

These constraints have causes

Note. These being constants is just an approximation, in practice the maximum torque depends on the motor RPM. The required torque may be a function of the position, etc. Handling the cases with dynamic limits is left for future work.

For practical reasons, there are limits to the range of all trajectory functions.

\begin{aligned} \vert v(0) \vert &≤ v_M & \vert a(0) \vert &≤ a_M & \vert j(0) \vert &≤ j_M & \end{aligned}

Consequentially, x, v and a are Lipschitz continuous with constants K = v_M, a_M and j_M respectively.

-> Admissible positions

-> Example showing the importance of velocity (and more subtly also acceleration).

  1. Constant x.
  2. Constant v.
  3. Constant a.
  4. Constant j.

Maximum jerk trajectories

The fastest admissible trajectory from a state (x_0, v_0, a_0) to (x_1, v_1, a_1) is an s-curve and has maximum jerk:

\begin{aligned} j(t) & ∈ \{-1, 0, 1\} ⋅ M_{\text{jerk}} \end{aligned}

When the initial and final velocity and acceleration are zero, this results in the seven step S-curve. These steps are defined by an applicable constraint

  1. Maximal positive jerk
  2. Maximal positive acceleration
  3. Maximal negative jerk
  4. Maximal velocity
  5. Maximal negative jerk
  6. Maximal negative acceleration
  7. Maximal positive jerk

For different initial and final states some of these phases may disappear, for example phase 4 disappears if the target position is reached before the maximum velocity is reached.


The maximum jerk trajectories are fully specified by an initial jerk direction and durations of all seven phases. Durations can be zero if that particular phase is omitted.

Minimal jerk interpolation

Where the

Loosening state constraints

What if instead of a fully specified state we are only interested in getting to a particular position as fast as possible? We would obviously skip the deceleration step.

Step and direction signals

Stepper motors operate in discrete position steps, in our units normalized to 1. The control signal \hat x(t) will thus have discrete steps \hat x ∈ \Z. The ideal control signal minimizes the discrepancy \abs{\hat x(t) - x(t)}, and is accomplished simply by rounding the position to the nearest step:

\hat x(t) = \floor{ x(t) + \frac 12 }

This results in a step function that can be written as a sum of discrete step intervals

\hat x(t) = \sum_i x_i 1_{[t_i, t_{i+1})}(t)

where 1_A is the indicator function, x_i ∈ \Z is the position during step i and t_i is the starting time of step i. We can take the (distributional) derivative of \hat x(t) to get a \hat v(t), which consists of a sequence of positive or negative unit impulses, also known as Dirac delta functions:

\hat v(t) = \frac{\d}{\d t} \hat x(t) = \sum_i s_i ⋅δ(t - t_i)

where s_i ∈ \{-1, 1\} = x_{i+1} - x_i is the direction of the pulse.

The stepper motor controller takes a step and direction signal, which are the the absolute value \abs{\hat v(t)} and sign \sign \hat v(t), convolved with a small pulse 1_{[0, ε]} to make it physically realizable.

\mathrm{step} = \abs{\hat v} * 1_{[0, ε]}

Interestingly, the solution to this is

\mathrm{step}(t) = \abs{\hat x(t) - \hat x(t + ε)}


\mathrm{step}(t) = \abs{\hat x(t) - \hat x(t - ε)}

To practically generate this signal all we need are the t_i and s_i.

Step duration


Remco Bloemen
Math & Engineering