AIR Composibility

struct AirComponent {
    trace:       TraceTable,
    constraints: Vec<RationalExpression>,
    labels:      Vec<(String, RationalExpression)>

Note. Having labels on expressions allows direct labeling of trace cells using Trace(i, j). But it also allows labeling derived values, for example if the constraints are written such that the 'real' value is the difference of two columns, the labeled output can be Trace(i, j) - Trace(i, k).

Trace generation

Alternative. Instead of having the components supply the full trace table, we could also have them return a sparse table of $(i, j, value)$ tuples. The constraints would then be used to fill out the table. This may (or not) be more performant, but seems harder to implement. Perhaps instead we can provide helper functions to generate a trace table from constraints and sparse values.

Air component combinators

fn compose_horizontal(A: AirComponent, B: AirComponent) -> AirComponent {
    require(A.rows == B.rows);

    // result.trace = [A.trace | B.trace]
    // B.constraints.shift_columns(A.num_columns)
    // result.constraints = union(A.constraints, B.constraints)
    // names are prefixed `left_` and `right_`.
fn compose_vertical(A: AirComponent, B: AirComponent) -> AirComponent {
    require(A.rows == B.rows);
    require(A.cols == B.cols);
    require(A.constraints == B.constraints)

    // result.trace = [ A.trace ]
    //                [ B.trace ]
    // A.constraints.repeat(2)
    // result.constraints = A.constraints
    // names are prefixed `top_` and `bottom_`.
fn compose_interleaved(A: AirComponent, B: AirComponent) -> AirComponent {
    require(A.rows == B.rows);
    require(A.cols == B.cols);

    // result.trace = [ A_0 ]
    //                [ B_0 ]
    //                [ A_1 ]
    //                [ B_1 ]
    //                [ ... ]
    // A.constraints.interleave(2);
    // B.constraints.interleave(2).shift(1);
    // result.constraints = union(A.constraints, B.constraints)
    // names are prefixed `odd_` and `even_`.
    // TODO: It is possible that a pair of constraints on odd/even
    // rows are the same and can be replaced by a single constraint
    // repeated.
fn fold(A: AirComponent) -> AirComponent {
    require(A.cols % 2 == 0);

    // result.trace = [ A_(0, 0...n) ]
    //                [ A_(0, n..2n) ]
    //                [ A_(1, 0...n) ]
    //                [ A_(1, n..2n) ]
    //                [     ...      ]
    // A.constraints.interleave(2).shift_half(1);
    // result.constraints = A.constraints
    // names are unchanged

To do. We can skip renaming if there are no collisions. This will have to be done on a global basis, not a per name, basis. This can lead to breakage when a subcomponent adds a new name.

Further combinators

It's useful to add a helper function creating no-op components. This allows doing things like fold(compose_horizontal(A, empty(A.rows, 1)) to do a fold where A has an odd number of columns.

fn empty(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> AirComponent;

Using these, we can implement more complex operations:

fn fold_padded(A: AirComponent, repeats: usize) -> AirComponent {
fn fit_horizontal(A: AirComponent, B: AirComponent) -> AirComponent {
    // Same as compose_horizontal, but it will do whatever folds
    // and paddings are necessary to make A.rows == B.rows.


fn transaction(
    initial_balances: Balances,
    txs: Vec<Transaction>
) -> (Balances, AirComponent) {
    let mut air = fit_horizontal(
                    .relabel("root", "old_maker_buy_root")
                    .relabel("leaf", "old_maker_buy_leaf"),
                    .relabel("root", "new_maker_buy_root")
                    .relabel("leaf", "new_maker_buy_leaf"),
                    .relabel("root", "old_maker_sell_root")
                    .relabel("leaf", "old_maker_sell_leaf"),
                    .relabel("root", "new_maker_sell_root")
                    .relabel("leaf", "new_maker_sell_leaf"),
         - air["old_maker_sell_root"]
        ) * air.on_row(0)
    air.relabel("old_maker_buy_root", "initial_balance_root");
    air.relabel("new_maker_sell_root", "final_balance_root");
    // TODO: Drop all other labels. Alternatively, replace the
    // set of labels in one operation.

fn starkdex(
    initial_balances: Balances,
    txs: Vec<Transaction>
) -> (Balances, AirComponent) {
    let mut component = txs
    // TODO: Add constraints tying roots together.

struct Projection {


impl Projection {
    fn trace(usize, isize) -> RationalExpression;

trait Component {
    type Claim;
    type Witness;
    fn dimensions(&self) -> [usize];
    fn set_projection(projection: &[(usize, (usize, isize))]);
    fn constraints(&self, claim: &Claim) -> Vec<RationalExpression>;
    fn witness() -> Claim;

Remco Bloemen
Math & Engineering