Complex Analysis, L-systems and Christmas

Question: What is the relation between Lindenmayer systems, complex analysis and recursive lambda functions?

Answer: Snow! (and other fractals)

Inspired by Sander’s recent blog post about the Koch snowflake in Mathematica I discovered a particularly short way to implement certain L-systems in Mathematica. The basic idea is to create an array of complex values of which the argument represents the direction at that point. Such a list is easily created with complex multiplication and recursive functions, which can be implemented very concise with lambda functions. The last step is to use Accumulate to transform this to a list of point coordinates in the complex plane and plot this.

Koch snowflake


Penrose snowflake

Axiom: Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward.

Rule: Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward, Reverse, Forward, Turn -1/10, Forward, Turn 1/5, Forward


Exterior snowflake


Quadratic Koch snowflake


Dragon curve

Not a snowflake, but I’m working up to something. This one uses two substitution paths and therefore can’t use iterated lambda functions, but iterated replacement rules work fine:


Sierpiński arrowhead curve

Still not a snowflake…


Hilbert space-filling curve

Another non-snowflake…

Until now a turn command was always followed by a forward, which is required for the accumulate trick. However, to implement the Hilbert space-filling curve I need separate turns and forwards. I came with the following idea: use a turn of zero degrees (multiply by 1) to represent a forward, then you will get duplicate entries in the directions list, which you can filter out with the following command: &/@Select[Split[],Length[]>1&]//Flatten. I then found a one-replacement-rule variation of the curve using conjugates of lists to further shorten the code.


Peano-Gosper flowsnake

Finally, the most difficult snowflake! Or flowsnake as it was called by its inventors. This one involves all the tricks encountered above!



I donno… Something about Kolmogorov complexities and Hausdorff dimensions?

Remco Bloemen
Math & Engineering